Transport of backpacks

We transport your backpacks and suitcases on the Camino de Santiago.
The French Way from O Cebreiro to Santiago.
Stage 20-30Km. Price 4€, +500 Delivery points.

* Price Stage O Cebreiro to Sarria consult.

Opening March 2025

We have 2 types of delivery


Call +34 608 581 206

Call us the day before, before 22:00 hours or the day itself between 7:30 and 8:30 hours.
Luggage collection at 8:00 am at the accommodation.

Talk to Xacotrans NOW


Fill in the following form

You must have an accommodation reservation at the delivery establishment. If you do not have a reservation, please contact us.

>> Fill in the Roadmap


We collect Backpacks and Suitcases on The French Way of Saint James, from O Cebreiro to Santiago

You must have an accommodation reservation at the delivery establishment. If you do not have a reservation, please contact us.

Xacotrans is not responsible for objects that are not inside the backpack and may be lost or broken when outside the backpack.

How does the service work?

Call +34 608 581 206

Call us the day before, before 22:00 hours or the day itself between 7:30 and 8:30 hours.
Luggage collection at 8:00 am at the accommodation.

Pick-up and Delivery Place

Let us know where we should pick up your packages (backpacks, suitcases, bicycles…) and where you want us to take them (the delivery place can be any place, not only those listed in our partner NETWORK).

Cover Label Xacotrans

Don’t forget to request and cover the ID tag and take the receipt with you.
Fill in and print your label from
here and stick it in your backpack before you start.


We move your backpacks

The price per stage is 4€, for accommodation outside the route or stages longer than 30Km, please consult us.
Maximum weight 15Kg per suitcase *

* If the suitcase weighs more than 15Kg, Xacotrans is not responsible for possible damage caused by excess weight in the suitcase.

+500 Delivery and Collection Points

From Sarria to Santiago, we deliver to and pick up from hotels, hostels, inns, etc.

Group Transport

Minimum 4 people from O Cebreiro. In addition to groups, we can also transport bicycles.


In Xacotrans we can give you some ideas in case you want to make a stop on the Camino.


Contact us and we will help you to make a quotation for your enquiry.